In This Episode of People with Parents…
My Dad falls down, and down the rabbit hole we go. Canes, Life Alerts, CAT scans, Oh My!
People with Parents is podcast is where I share stories about the role reversal and ever-changing relationship between adult children and their aging parents. If you can relate, or know someone who can, please share. Subscribe to and review the podcast on iTunes (Stitcher, Google Play) and like the People with Parents Facebook Page.
It’s lived, written, and produced by stand-up comedian and author Leighann Lord: Daughter with a capital D. Visit her at Music by the Jazz Lounge Project.
Twitter: @LeighannLord
See more at
In This Episode of People with Parents…
I tackle the topic of the immigrant children who have been separated at the southern border from their parents who are immigrating/seeking asylum in the United States.
In This Episode of People with Parents…
“And I’m leaving on a jet plane. I don’t know when I’ll be back again…” I follow my therapist’s advice and take a much-needed vacation. My destination: an all-inclusive resort in the Dominican Republic.
People with Parents is a podcast where I share stories about the role reversal and ever-changing relationship between adult children and their aging parents. If you can relate, or know someone who can, please share. Subscribe to and review the podcast on iTunes (Stitcher, Google Play) and like the People with Parents Facebook Page.
It’s lived, written, and produced by stand-up comedian and author Leighann Lord: Daughter with a capital D. Visit her at Music by the Jazz Lounge Project.
Twitter: @LeighannLord
See more at
In This Episode of People with Parents…
It’s never a dull moment at the Urban Shady Pines. The simple act of trying to get my cable box fixed is anything but. And I learn that time is not only relative but also depends on your relatives.
About the People with Parents
People with Parents is a podcast where I share stories about the role reversal and ever-changing relationship between adult children and their aging parents. If you can relate, or know someone who can, please share. Subscribe to and review the podcast on iTunes (Stitcher, Google Play) and like the People with Parents Facebook Page.
It’s lived, written, and produced by stand-up comedian and author Leighann Lord: Daughter with a capital D. Visit her at Music by the Jazz Lounge Project.
Twitter: @LeighannLord
See more at
This episode of People with Parents is a throwback. I talk about registering to vote at 17, voting with My Parents for the first time, the political education they gave me, and voting with them back in 2008! And yes, I managed to tie it in with Black Panther. Happy Black History Month!
Sub Subtitle: Dementia Sucks
Ode to Mother written by Tim Congdon.
Read by Keith Strunk
At the suggestion of a Facebook Friend of the Show, I share the story about how my parent’s refrigerator broke down and so did family communication.
The Working Mother's Mentor Podcast with guest Leighann Lord.
People With Parents:
Episode 4
I talk about how my Dad’s smart phone focus was a dumb and potentially dangerous idea.
Older Adults and Technology Use
Aging in Place: Technology Watch
Episode Tags: #SmartPhone #iPhone #AccessARide #NYC #HomeAttendant #FidgetSpinner #Android
In This Episode of People with Parents…
I share about how the Proper Telephone Etiquette and Good Home Training I received as a kid is helping me do one of the things I dislike the most: talking on the phone with doctor’s offices, pharmacies, insurance companies, and everybody.
There’s No Training Like Home Training
Basic Black: Home Training for Modern Times
In This Episode of People with Parents…
I talk about the clip of my performance that was included in the Netflix Def Comedy Jam 25th Anniversary Special; and I reveals what makes that show special for me and my Parents.
Def Comedy Jam’s 25th Anniversary: Honored & Still Inspired
In This Episode of People with Parents…
I have an impromptu, live interview with comedic storyteller Sue Schmidt and comedian Jane Condon. We are in the dressing room after our closing night show at the Peterborough Players Theater in New Hampshire. I got to commiserate with, Sue who has 20 years in the caregiving game, first with her father and now her mother. And Jane reminded us where the sweet spots in caregiving can be.
Please find and follow these funny ladies!
Susanne Schmidt MS, LCMHC is an organizational consultant, standup comic and master storyteller. A Moth Story Slam winner, host, and regional producer, Susanne was named the “Best of Valley” in the New England Public Radio Valley Voices Grand Slam. She is a seven-time Extempo champion and a national performer who has appeared in the Boston Women in Comedy Festival, the Toronto SheDot Festival, and the Arctic Entries Main Stage in Anchorage Alaska. Susanne is a teaching artist at the Flynn Theater in Burlington Vermont and travels the country teaching people how to take the funny and poignant events of our lives and turn them into stories that heal, inspire, and entertain listeners. She is the mother of two amazing sons who prefer that she stop talking about them publically. For more information, visit her at
Comedian Jane Condon won Audience Favorite (NY) on NBC’s “Last Comic Standing.” She has also appeared on the “The View,” “24,” and “The Today Show.” The Associated Press calls her “an uppercrust Roseanne.” Her acclaimed one-person Off-Broadway show is called
“Janie Condon: Raw & Unchained!” She was the 2011 Commencement Speaker at Wellesley College. Check her out at
Should your elderly parents keep driving?
In This Episode of People with Parents…
I reboot the podcast and share “what had happened,” why I'm back, and my hopes for the future. (Hint: It includes you.)
Suddenly, They’re All Gone
Sargent (introduction)
Arthur Pugh (email)
In This Episode of People with Parents…
My refrigerator breaks down and so does the refrigerator repairman.
The Truth About 'Daddy Issues' by Ian Lang
Why Do So Many Politicians Have Daddy Issues? by Barron YoungSmith
6 Signs You’re a Man With Daddy Issues by Jon Beaty
In This Episode of People with Parents…
I share a story about getting that dreaded middle of the night emergency phone call. Spoiler Alert: it wasn’t somebody calling to tell me where the party’s at. #RoleReversal
In This Episode of People with Parents…
I share a story about the air conditioner wars being waged this summer in our multigenerational house. It gets hot; and not in a good way.
[ARTICLE] Hot Weather Tips
[ARTICLE] Elderly Ignore Heat Warnings – Because They’re Not Old
[BONUS LINK]Air Conditioner Wars
In This Episode of People with Parents…
I share a story about my parental tech challenges; and why maybe it’s better to let the Luddite win.
On the Blog: Old Dogs, New Tricks: Why Seniors Have Trouble with Technology by Melanie Haiken
Welcome to the debut episode of People with Parents! The relationship with our parents is probably the most complicated` one we’ll have and yet no one ever teaches us how to navigate it, especially when our parents get old. People with Parents is the personal story telling podcast where can talk about, figure out, and laugh about the role reversal that happens between adult children and their aging parents.